Our Fast Servers are located in the US

We can help you transfer your website on our servers free of charge, also there is Free Support on any subscription! You can find my messenger (facebook) at the bottom of the page.

Hosting Plans

Simple Web Hosting (SH101)

Domain or Transfer + Hosting + 1GB

Select a new domain or

provide the epp key 

for the domain to transfer for

hosting on our fast US Servers

1GB Disk Space

Unlimited Bandwidth

Directadmin Control Panel

(1 year hosting +domain included)

Price: €50 / Year


Golden Web Hosting(GH102)

Domain or Transfer + Hosting + 5GB

Select a new domain or

provide the epp key 

for the domain to transfer for 

hosting on our fast US Servers

5GB Disk Space

Unlimited Bandwidth

Directadmin Control Panel

(1 year hosting +domain included)

Price €80 / Year


Premium Web Hosting (PH103)

Domain or Transfer + Hosting + 10GB

Select a new domain or

provide the epp key 

for the domain to transfer for

hosting on our fast US Servers

10GB Disk Space

Unlimited Bandwidth

Directadmin Control Panel

(1 year hosting +domain included)

Price €100 / Year